Saturday, December 8, 2007
Gay Public Cruising In Ny
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Beetroot Constipating
Only in dreams, I see your breath.
Only in my dreams, I can find.
If I lived in a perpetual sleep, may you by my side.
As much as I look at this grid Actually, I do not think I've found.
And when I think I found you, you're my mistake is made.
Every night when the moon bathes in its light my room, I can see you.
touch you and hug you.
Feel my hand, as if it were a great truth.
A truth made for me.
hardest thing is to tell the difference. Nothing is really real. 1000
knives are stuck in my chest.
When my tears fall down my face relentlessly.
The sun dazzles my eyes.
And I feel that now is the morning.
Then again I feel cold. There is not anything I had. And those moments
not lived, is killed in my mind. As
my big secret, hidden.
you went away, leaving me alone again in the harsh light of day.
is like a vampire movie. A dance of vampires made to our measure.
A dance as eternal as our night ... but to get the light it fades. Leaving our souls
lethargic .. until the next dance .... you know you have the key to my subconscious.
Monday, July 30, 2007
How Far Can Cat6 Wire Run
Within two days, will be three months since I changed my lifestyle. Left behind any type of tick clinging to my back, I stopped caring about the world and the good intention with which things can be done. I stopped trusting, and trustworthy. It was my evolution, in part. Another Again, I found that the self is what really makes us strong. That ability to dispense only you, forgetting about the others ... as long ago as I should have done.
However, I still remember times when even the nights were long ... when I was not always the case. Carries the hope that everything could go well, without reaching an end.
Now this makes me laugh. Although it might be better
mourn ...
say that when you a wonderful day, always has someone to fuck .. No?
Sure, always.
And the glass is filled.
I decided to leave to be the fool, and he who goes with lies .. more for him. Pay in kind to those who actually play with you.
empty souls still believe they can handle the wheel and keep them as helpless.
I laugh at them.
For that you can hide things, you can fool ... but do not fool yourself .. Beyond you and your conscience for all your fucking existence.
The worst thing is when others if they have heard .. and you do not know .. or do not want to know.
poor in spirit.
I decided to disappear. No more parasites.
can be a good person, but not let you drag that shit in living.
and continue slandering. And I feel so good having them away.
Do not even think to cross my path.
Why I'm ready for war ... Only
will spread my hand, those who do not have their eyes lie ... and only when you know that through them I can see what's on the other side.
Fortunately, the nightmare is over.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Electric Steamer Pasta
promises, that what lies before my eyes again is not that muddy hole.
Dime for a moment, nothing is certain and that is just paranoia on my head.
can not tell me anything, because you've gone ... no longer exists.
And I remain in this limbo of confusion .. without knowing to do. Neither
where continuing.
Keep calm ... no tears.
can not be again.
look to the horizon ....
... calm ... 1, 2, 3 ....
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Jcpenney Hair Extensions
At last vacation. I do not know even my notes and will be out, but I hope they allow me to enjoy those things that I've been waiting so long. Now I want to do everything over the winter I've raised and get them, are those things which fill me.
Yesterday I had a long conversation with my dear lying jejeje son, and we complain a lot, but we were able to realize many things. And I concluded that everything starts to give me the same, I really want to live my life and pass the rest. For when you need something rest assured it will not be ... and no more.
continue waiting for something to break the monotony in which we caught ...
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Edu Science Reflector Telescope 600x Power
If, indeed, left the Livejournal to continue with my views on MSN's Space. In my four aggregates invite you to follow me and if by some chance you do want to tell me something there.
I think all you have my msn now, unless someone has it, and he wants, he asks.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Bowling Alley Shoe Spray Huffing
.....¿ What is love? Is it a feeling or an idea?, Human beings for centuries has fallen in love, sometimes from whom he corresponded and others not, and sometimes that "correspondence" was feigned or impossible for economic or social contexts. ....
My life has changed radically in recent months, in my previous post I said that I had taken the guise of agonist to be dark, misunderstood and tenebrillas now I can say that this costume and mental or psychological characteristics that were with him have gone down the drain of my personality. I break out laughing with the last post of my prized
And we ... for those who still has not realized how dire clearer, if I'm in love for the first time is appropriate, and I was going to say to me, and no, there is no known or my old party zones, this is precisely the secret, the change of scenery has allowed me to know even more, meet more people and have their eyes more open and clearer mind when seeing what is around me.
Other I can say with joy aspects quite well, which finalize "The Banquet" of Plato, you know, the advocacy of love by Socrates and Plato gathered by now I am in a dilemma what book to start? ... I think that post them and that is when you begin.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Blisters On Baby Penis
"I am myself and my circumstances," said Ortega y Gasset rightly and it seems that in recent times radically reset to fashion a week ago gave the documentary La 2 "Angeles Negros", where he sought to portray (?) To the alternative gothic culture. Seeing that documentary I saw and asked: "what am I?" Are we all so similar? Does each person is not a world that they say?.
Indeed none of us are exactly alike, each person is inevitably of his father and mother and may not even be equal to them. Can my whole world, all my dreams and thoughts reflected in half an hour of documentary? no of course not, because to start or left on the desk or I'm not like any of the / as interviewees.
Behind, far behind, is simple aesthetics and pose pimp who "go gothic" I do not remember at what point in my trip ahead of me leave the uncle rare costume but if I do not want it back. I know, I'm different from everyone, I do not dress in black my desire to be accepted and certainly long to put aside my desire to understand me.
The documentary reflects truths and shortcomings, old views and some pretty colorful, I remembered what I was last year and a half and I do not want to remain and I affirm who I am now.
Towards that place was my life ...?
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Eyelash Extension License In California
do not usually talk about these things and since then I've opened a journal to talk about religion but as I do this journal, I write what I want.
According to some reports in digital media has begun the process of beatification of Dr. Jerome Lejeune, who met to find fame Down Syndrome but was eclipsed and ostracized by defending the right of the fetus to its existence, ie, I strongly condemn abortion.
As a Catholic and a human being, those things that are totally complementary to each other, I consider abortion as the greatest example of injustice and individualism that exists in the Western world, a shameful act of not only the murder of a human but also the greatest insult to a woman who has been given the ability to give birth to a human being as a source of life and to be deceived when the account that has rights over their own sexuality. Precisely this right is not earned or demonstrated by abortion but by defending those who carry within them, Gone, but unfortunately often still occurs in some cultures, the idea that women only served to bring children into the world and that only men were worthy of survival and pride.
Women, even in countries as disadvantaged as those in Africa, has shown that it is God who has endowed them with more wisdom and reasoning ability than men, it is to them whom they have been blessed with a force than any physical force, the spirit of improvement. Let's be honest, the story really has been written by women, you tell me one man who has gone ahead and today is recognized and that women do not have any? none, from the Greeks that they had formidable sexual relations between them because in the wars lacked the affection of women, through lengthy and Herod whose language I derive little head that eventually led to the death of John the Baptist and reaching some cases as recently as presidents of strong states were not really anyone because just like every man succumbing to the charms of a woman.
For this woman, this was once considered the carrier of all evil, absurd idea in the days running, sometimes seems to forget that nature has endowed with perhaps the item that has been higher since the beginning of the humanity, the gestation of human beings, many will say that without the macho male sperm there is nothing to do that it is scientifically true, but they forget that it is the woman who carries the fetus inside for 9 months, it is women who must eat twice to provide calories and protein the new being, the woman provides antibodies to the fetus that allow the early days to be protected and finally, as to forget, it is women who usually though not always the case, gives the child the first food, her own breast milk, Do you need more examples to understand how wonderful that is woman and to what extent is able to develop their own identity?
I end this post with one last great memory of the person with whom I started this post, Dr. Jérôme Lejeune.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Pepe Muppet, Stuffed Animal
us rid of them we thought that there would be no more brands of scooters in the garden, no cryo volvieria ball go in the street, no one would return to urinate on the pile church or fall asleep while listening to the Gospel. Believed that the amount of donuts and donuts would diminish and eventually died with the last Fofito television clown .... but no, they had to come back and this time nothing of half an hour, but nearly two hours of laughter and shock. ... .........................................
ladies and gentlemen, with you more golf family, blasphemous, and above all, above any other feature more yellow, with you ....
Why Does My Car Weave With New Tires On
A week and four days holiday, Easter has arrived and with it peace of mind to sleep until the desired time after going to bed when I have been pleased. A time of spiritual and psychological enrichment based on the study and reading, no rush, no hassles ...
I'm still debating with myself is: do not leave out or weekend?, Truth is that it makes little excited because I certainly do the same thing every weekend and a tired but just as true that last week not come out for exams and is already looking forward to seeing people, the key question is how? "Drinking and / or listening to music at very high volume? Llendome "bars?, We'll see what happens.
Arthegarn, dear friend, do not be offended if you read this, for both this week is more than just a holiday I know, but do not deny that there is also a great opportunity to rest.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Lupus Symptomswhat Caused Lupus
In the last week and a half we have witnessed the emergence mass media photographs and posters of this film chronicles, 300, Frank Miller, "and as I am a movie fan action this afternoon I decided to attend the I only had to time to see the movie.
may well be because I've grown up or because I have experienced in recent times a radical change but the movie it was quite absurd, barbaric indeed. Spartan moral ethics, like that of other pre-Christian peoples, I find it openly deprorable and reprehensible, their belief that only those worthy of living are more gifted physically breaks all of the human logic schemes, since it will not have evolved by a leaner body but by their brain to make simple gestures and "analyze" events or developments.
Sparta was, is and will be the classic example of warlike people, where his people were born to war and where one man reached real honor if he had male offspring, Notice that I expose what I have seen in the movie. History has not left us, because do not think I had no cultural shows in this town so you can say almost certainly, almost repeat, that under the shadow of reason and ethical values that people are not authentic to us actually deserves an excessive value except for one thing, the importance for women and faithfully reproducing what was said by the wife of Leonidas, "only we parimos real men."
In the present case, 300, Frank Miller, this movie can only be classified as a masterpiece of bad taste, childish and superficial appreciation for the blood and pain, poor honor that can be drawn from a Spartan is from soils in this work which highlights the blood and murder, as an example I will say that there are at least two occasions where the director revels in the sticking of people. But in the movie not only leave Spartans, their rivals, the Persians are portrayed, not if real or not, as ambiguous characters that respects the fact that human beings are born not perfect, nor has it , recreate it to recreate their lower sexual instincts and where even their leader is recreated as an androgynous close to Michael Jackson.
In short, 300 is an entertaining movie that no one draw any authentic sense and positive lesson from then not recreate any European value, as mistakenly said in ABC.
Snowboard Gloves Put In Dryer
Today I write in a livejournal, which for nearly a year and maybe not to better but still so much to learn I've grown a lot as a person in three or last four months, living, experiencing and learning. That is terrible
invent masks, invent characters that are not your to escape from a reality that drowns between pollution and television, how terrible is to pretend to be something you're not at worst end up believing you are. I was an ignorant know, was my pride and my, let's call desire to escape to another place that made me fall into the trap of life, forget who I am and "all those moments capable of having changed," as they say Heroes del Silencio.
that what happened today, I can now say openly that I'm someone new .... .................
today begins new phase in my livejournal.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
How To Do Population Genetics Problems Ap Biology
Hello dear readers. I warn you that I change my blog. As livejournal do not like a fuck I switched to blogspot. The new address is:
I have already written a few entries. I hope to start running again starting this weekend.
Greetings to all