us rid of them we thought that there would be no more brands of scooters in the garden, no cryo volvieria ball go in the street, no one would return to urinate on the pile church or fall asleep while listening to the Gospel. Believed that the amount of donuts and donuts would diminish and eventually died with the last Fofito television clown .... but no, they had to come back and this time nothing of half an hour, but nearly two hours of laughter and shock. ... .........................................
ladies and gentlemen, with you more golf family, blasphemous, and above all, above any other feature more yellow, with you ....
Friday, March 30, 2007
Pepe Muppet, Stuffed Animal
Why Does My Car Weave With New Tires On
A week and four days holiday, Easter has arrived and with it peace of mind to sleep until the desired time after going to bed when I have been pleased. A time of spiritual and psychological enrichment based on the study and reading, no rush, no hassles ...
I'm still debating with myself is: do not leave out or weekend?, Truth is that it makes little excited because I certainly do the same thing every weekend and a tired but just as true that last week not come out for exams and is already looking forward to seeing people, the key question is how? "Drinking and / or listening to music at very high volume? Llendome "bars?, We'll see what happens.
Arthegarn, dear friend, do not be offended if you read this, for both this week is more than just a holiday I know, but do not deny that there is also a great opportunity to rest.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Lupus Symptomswhat Caused Lupus
In the last week and a half we have witnessed the emergence mass media photographs and posters of this film chronicles, 300, Frank Miller, "and as I am a movie fan action this afternoon I decided to attend the I only had to time to see the movie.
may well be because I've grown up or because I have experienced in recent times a radical change but the movie it was quite absurd, barbaric indeed. Spartan moral ethics, like that of other pre-Christian peoples, I find it openly deprorable and reprehensible, their belief that only those worthy of living are more gifted physically breaks all of the human logic schemes, since it will not have evolved by a leaner body but by their brain to make simple gestures and "analyze" events or developments.
Sparta was, is and will be the classic example of warlike people, where his people were born to war and where one man reached real honor if he had male offspring, Notice that I expose what I have seen in the movie. History has not left us, because do not think I had no cultural shows in this town so you can say almost certainly, almost repeat, that under the shadow of reason and ethical values that people are not authentic to us actually deserves an excessive value except for one thing, the importance for women and faithfully reproducing what was said by the wife of Leonidas, "only we parimos real men."
In the present case, 300, Frank Miller, this movie can only be classified as a masterpiece of bad taste, childish and superficial appreciation for the blood and pain, poor honor that can be drawn from a Spartan is from soils in this work which highlights the blood and murder, as an example I will say that there are at least two occasions where the director revels in the sticking of people. But in the movie not only leave Spartans, their rivals, the Persians are portrayed, not if real or not, as ambiguous characters that respects the fact that human beings are born not perfect, nor has it , recreate it to recreate their lower sexual instincts and where even their leader is recreated as an androgynous close to Michael Jackson.
In short, 300 is an entertaining movie that no one draw any authentic sense and positive lesson from then not recreate any European value, as mistakenly said in ABC.
Snowboard Gloves Put In Dryer
Today I write in a livejournal, which for nearly a year and maybe not to better but still so much to learn I've grown a lot as a person in three or last four months, living, experiencing and learning. That is terrible
invent masks, invent characters that are not your to escape from a reality that drowns between pollution and television, how terrible is to pretend to be something you're not at worst end up believing you are. I was an ignorant know, was my pride and my, let's call desire to escape to another place that made me fall into the trap of life, forget who I am and "all those moments capable of having changed," as they say Heroes del Silencio.
that what happened today, I can now say openly that I'm someone new .... .................
today begins new phase in my livejournal.