One of the things that I like Japanese culture are lolitas.
There is something for taste and color from lolitas hime through the Wa-lolita and lolitas reaching the Horror !!!!!
recently started a project with a friend so that my students will eventually use a Lolita outfit!! The project is in progress to see that this is neeeeee ~
Well talk a little bit of each of the Lolitas and that I like ^ ^ ~ Dozo
The Lolita (ロリータ ファッション) is a Japanese subculture whose aesthetic attitude, mixing with the aristocracy current youth of past centuries, especially the times of Rococo and the Victorian era. Like many of the current Japanese underground, emerged in the late 70's to go spread up to hot spots like Tokyo, thus making the famous Harajuku district in the capital of Lolita. __________________________________________________________
Gothic Lolita (gosurori)

The combination of white and black is quite recognizable, but not all the Gothic Lolita is composed of only these colors. This substyle incorporates classical themes and colors of Japanese Gothic (as crosses and candles). His tastes in music tend to be dede classical, opera, to visual kei or gothic music.
Kuro and Shiro Lolita Lolita

The Kurorori (Kuro Lolita) are the only wear black, which is contrary to Shirorori (Shiro Lolita) who are wearing only white
Classic Lolita

The Classic Lolita is a more mature style. Fails to be 'Aristocrat' by the silhouette of Lolita is still intact, but there is less lace, ribbons and dresses are not so pompous. Classic dresses generally used less bright colors and floral designs in warm colors.

This image is fervently Mana is what must be this style, in fact gave it the name Mana Lolita style EGA (Elegant Gothic Aristocrat, for version male) and EGL (Elegant Gothic Lolita, for the female version), clinging to their guidelines. Your brand par excellence is Moi meme moitié in black, white and blue, crossed with gothic fashion and makeup using more strained. Hime Lolita

The Hime (Princess) Lolita is a style much more inspired by the Rococo. Often the traditional silhouette of the bell-shaped skirts change to a longer dress with a neckline a bit lower to balance the flying lap, and becoming common accessories such as tiaras and crowns .
Sweet Lolita (Amaloli)

The second most common style. It has all the elements of Lolita but lighter colors (especially Pink or blue) and is where the clothes can become more pompous.

The Amarori are like a sweet style but much more ornate, often wear pink or blue, but they just put colored wigs to match the dress she usually has pastry decorations or things sweeteners such as stuffed animals, toys or themes of stories, are the largest used bows, lace and pastel colors. Lolita Maid

lolita is the version of the waitresses, maid cafes in Japan where girls are dressed in this manner will serve breakfast, there are people who do not gets into the lolita, but the truth is that brands like Angelic Pretty Baby or wearing make little aprons in the front which is what makes the difference between a normal and one dressed as a maid, may also bring more crowns type "chacha" for the head instead of the cap.

is inspired by traditional Japanese clothing, including less formal kimono and yukata. One option is a shirt that gives the impression of kimono, with flared skirt, often adds Obi and lace.

Inspired by traditional Chinese dresses. Turtlenecks and fake zippers on the side usually decorated with ribbons identify these dresses. Country Lolita

A subgenre of Sweet Lolita, with little straw hats and patterns of bushes, flowers or fruits on dresses. Basically it's like a sweet Lolita going to a picnic, so it's not uncommon to see them with umbrellas or small baskets. The hats and dresses printed patterns are usually the only thing that distinguishes them from Amalolis. Fruit

Using fruit prints. Sailor Lolita

self-explanatory. Lolita is a version of the old marine uniform. The skirts have shipping lines at the edges, and has a small neck blouses sailor, is also used a small cap ... Horror
Lolita (Gurololi)

The gurololi (Guro = grotesque) is the most "theatrical" and one of the hardest to see, it is almost impossible to find outside of certain areas and events. The dresses that prevail in the Horror are Shiro Loli Simulated blood stains, although it is rumored that there are fanatics who violate injury to be more 'authentic'. Accessories and accompanying iconography are eye patches, bandages stained and all kinds of medical instruments. In the first makeup red and black. Less common is the lacerations bearing characteristics of different style dresses. Ero Lolita

The Erololi is a style that differs from the original Lolita to be a bit more "revealing" and accessorized a little "fetish" as necklaces, long gloves, etc. It is widely used vinyl in terms of fabrics, and use the light corset usually without anything underneath (such as a blouse). For developer, I do not mean exhibitor, the skirts are just a little shorter (about four inches above the knee) and shirts are cut lower. Having class is very important in this style. Punk Lolita

Punk Lolita style is quite difficult to decide, it's a fine line separates the total punk look Western. They take some traditional elements of punk, safety pins, studs, gender abuse, etc.. Good Punk Lolitas tend to keep the length of skirts or continue to use flowery blouses with all the other punk accessories, mixing (eg, a prong collar on the banks blonditas).

tend to industrial and techno style. Torn clothes, together with safety pins and lots of chains, a mixture of accessories.

Those lovers Industrial and elektro, are more futuristic vision of blending elements lolita very striking and brightly colored dreadlocks, elaborate makeup, hair heaters, and other materials in the clothes as can be vinyl or latex
British Aristocrat - Dandy
They wear mostly brown and negro.Llevan ties, hats, long jackets, and supplement it with sticks, gothic jewelry, skull rings, many crosses and chains.
Currently there are few who are dressed as "Dandy" as is, since the classic dandy was the man who was in a suit, well mannered and ease of speech, now mix elements of punk dandy with creating a mixture of styles.

wear suits, blouses, jackets, suspenders, knee socks (sometimes) small bow ties or neckties, and boots. would like British students. Clothing young gentleman is very childish.

are men who dress in Lolita, and no male version of Lolita, but Lolita, with her skirts, their leaflets, etc, perhaps this is still a style that strikes a bit and is usually seen only in boys who dress lolita to grace, but in Japan there are many guys who have this practice, carried out by the big Novak, author of Kamikaze Girls.

their idols, and Visual-Kei scene, these are fashion to support the bands they idolize, can also be said to be because imitian cosplay costumes of the artists and often dress like one for concerts and to excel in Harajuku. Cosplay Lolita

Lolita usually follow any anime or manga character you like and has Loli style, then engaged to cosplay your favorite character.

costumes are those that are poor quality with too much lace and mostly tasteless, most itarori lolitas are in their infancy due to ignorance and lack of budget