The Gals (ギャル, Gyaru?) Are a tribe or urban subculture of teenage girls and young women in urban Japan. They have many variations, but all are characterized by high income they spend on fashion, music and social activities, hobbies, where they have particular tastes. Some groups within the same Gals are Kogal, Himegal, Yamanba, Nanba, Miminba, Onegal, etc.
: =: Kogals: =:
Japanese students wearing the sailor fuku in TokioLas kogals (コギャル, kogals?) Are platform shoes and a miniskirt, copious amounts of makeup, hair dye (usually blond), artificial tanning, school uniform and design accessories. They are also great consumers of Japanese mobile phones. Make shopping a way of life and culture revolves around the Shibuya district in Tokyo. Materialism and social dependency that underlies the kogal fashion may reflect the insecurity felt by high school students. Many
kogals allowed this way of life with the money they spend their parents, wealthy class. Other underground appear in pornography to finance their hobby. Many more are involved in "compensated dating" or enjo kosai, a type of quasi-legal prostitution that has been strongly associated with kogals (to the point that many Western observers interpret "kogal" and "prostitute"). They can also take large buruseras benefits in which they sell their used underwear or intimate apparel. Given that the Gals spent a lot of money on makeup, accessories, etc, to be.
: =: Etymology: =:
The most common theory about the name is that it comes from the Japanese word for the institute Koko (高校, Koko?), While others suggest it comes from ko (子), child / a in Japanese. "Gal" is an abbreviation for "Girl," which means Girl in English. Also, in Japanese, the word is said Gyaru Gal.
: =: Beginnings: =:
The kogal phenomenon emerged in the mid the years 1990 and remains strong today. Everything began to be appointed by the Queen of J-Pop Namie Amuro, Japanese singer when he left the stage with her tanned skin (the Asians have the characteristic white skin and black hair), with the perfect hair dyed blond, with shoes platform he used to hide his small stature (something that kogals, being so popular platforms, wearing boots and even in summer), well coiffed and made up, causing sensation. Then it clones appeared all over Tokyo, and thus extending to all parts of Japan. Japan
country has always been a very serious and respectful, so the kogals are frowned upon for that reason, because they call too much attention and many practitioners and appointed the enjo kosai, which is mistaken that all kogals do.
: =: Style: =:
Kogal style varies, because of its "ramifications." The Gals are one of them, are appointed and the youth who are between 18 and 25, while Kogals are among the 14 to 17, the typical high school and the most famous. They use some socks that are loose in the form of heaters which are very popular [citation needed] and quickly bonded with the Gals (also called "Loose socks"). As already mentioned, Several types of Gals, the Kogals, the Ane-Gal, etc. All are based on the style used, for example, Ane-Gal elegant and sophisticated dress, but wear clothes that more or less discreet, does not mean it ceases to be gal, the main reasons are a striking gal but the basis of all Gal and all its ramifications is the makeup, platforms, accessories and colors combine well with all clothing, hairstyle also participating, a point also important as the typical nails long and well decorated with bright colors, stripes, pictures, and everything you can do with them, are used especially tips.
A kogal usually wears bright colors, very bright and youthful, widely used to pants shorts and short skirts, the known mini.hay different styles:
-> according to your skin:
-The Ganjiro: Are the gals that are characterized by Blanquita skin ie, natural color by following the ideal of Japanese beauty. Their hair colors are also inconspicuous (brown, brown, dark ...) The pioneer of this style was the very famous Ayumi Hamasaki. It created a boom so great that some of the gals, followed his style and were called Ayuraa. Of these are the most accepted in traditional society, but break their clothing.

-The Ganguro: It is characterized by being more black women, and that to achieve this resort to make-up or else the session of UVA rays. Use colored shadows, like cake. The pioneer of the ganguro was Amuro Namie (time before Ayu), the gals wanted to get a tan Okinawan Amuro. And created what we call today Amuraa.

-The Yamanba: They are characterized by being quite black women, the usual fact take UVA sessions, and so used a bit much makeup, are quite eccentric. Make-up as a raccoon panda, dye their hair colored and pasted stickers under the eyes. His clothes are very colorful and full of prints, and hibiscus.

-> According to his clothes:
-Onne/Sutogal: Those that go with expensive clothes, adding a touch of elegance and appear more mature, being thinner and obviously heel-ins that will set your style.

-Sportgal: Continuing gal style, but with a sporty, including its platforms, rather used sneakers with platform shoes with no stilettos.

-B-gal: gal-loving type of break dance and black music in general, and her clothes are hip-hop style while they use brands such as Playboy. Blond hair usually carry dark red or brown, smooth, with extensions and braids or plaits pressed.

-Baika Banba: The makeup and Banba but dress in a style a little kid, but chic and miriteri biker, or camouflage, military green, take him with boots and sometimes mixed with bright colors, but would not Banba and it is important that Accessories are very girl.

-Rasutagal: rasta style is widespread in Japan therefore also affected the gals, with a new style characterized by hamaicana flag (red, green, yellow), Bob Marley, i bags clothing.
-Himegal: Literally, it means: Princess Gal. The Himegyaru often comb twists, carry super chic and girlish outfits, and pink and white dominates their combinations, do not use things too beasts as boots, miniskirts etc ... It is a style characterized by pink make-up and long eyelashes long and very light skin makillaje. Big hair in a bouffant / beehive is practically a uniform. Lots of skin (do not know if synthetic or not ...) and materials and rich velvet. High heels and games, as well as a good structured handbag preferably white, black or pink. Animal prints, roses, orchids and other flowers.

-Locogal: Would they go with extremely bright and vivid colors with Hawaiian prints. Also use all platforms as well as all the gals.

-gal: New style created in the summer of 2007. It is a mixed style between B-gal and Locogal. Mix bright colors with patterns that simulate animal skins and retro touches, inspired by the 80 Y90. Celeb

-gal: This is another new style, also appeared this summer. As its name implies, this new trend, seeks to look like celebrities or what is the same as the famous. Hippie

-gal: Another new styles that just recently there, as the name says is reminiscent of the hippie era of the 60's, the clothing is very natural and simple and does not use any fur is fashion greener and easier to carry.

-Heavy Black: A blend of styles, such as the haady and the B-gal, but with a special, you always have to wear something black, either clothing or a supplement. It is a rocker style and casual, but with those touches that have clothes gal, differentiating it from other urban tribes. Oshare
-gal: This style is very reminiscent of retro fashion and also to haady 60-70. For the gals love the colors and retrieve old fashions and make them your own, with a touch kawaii, only Japan knows how to give fashion.
Today, kogal fashion is, but fashions change and platforms for example, are no longer an essential element or characteristic of these girls.

: =: Related: =:
Mangas and Animes There are several dedicated to the Japanese world kogals of one of them is known Gals! of Mihona Fuji, which tells the story of three normal kogals, confronting the problems that society conditions.