Entry 11 Entry 10 Entry
set off along the course of Minho in Tuy address. To dig half an hour I reached the end of the island where I found the first problem. The river was not very wide but deeper, even at low tide would give me a bath. What to get wet and I did not care much that to a typical sun late February, not too hot but pleasant. The problem was my luggage, if I wet my limited mostly to the clothes or sleeping bag was not going to be easy to dry.
A hundred yards from where I was had about a dozen trees. I approached them thoughtfully, and I thought I could cut a few branches and make a small raft to carry my luggage without my wet too. The problem was that he had no rope or twine to tie the branches, I remembered I had a roll of my line but I refused because it was too weak. Then I had an idea that could work. Ten branches cut about two inches thick, cut them into pieces deposed more or less equal to about one meter each, so I finally got twelve timbers. I grabbed my gear and I approached the water, remove the net from the bag along with the roll of my line. I put the sticks in the water, get together and pass them over the network. Le I gave all I could turn the network around the wood, then the "stitched" with my line. It did not seem very strong but to carry my load value.
I stripped, loaded the makeshift raft and plunged into the water. It was cold in hell, luckily the journey was short. In a couple of minutes on the other side. I dressed quickly and remove the raft back my network. Once I had everything ready I set out to continue the march.
And now where and especially as I go? This question was around in my head constantly since the area in which I was known as Pious, in which there are about thirty houses. In about six or seven miles there are small concentrations of houses, about fifteen or twenty houses at each concentration, surrounded by fields and some other forest. My intention was to reach the slopes of Mount Earthy but it was really hard because I was practically in the center of the mouth of the valley of El Rosal. To get there would have to go through the middle of a populated area may Undead.
checked my watch and realized it was half past noon. The thing began to unravel, although the days were already growing at about seven o'clock it was almost dark. I had left just five hours to find a viable path, and above all a place to spend the night, besides I still had to eat. Hunger was starting to hit me really so I decided it was best to eat and after a full stomach and think to go.
While eating I remembered the mill of the Windmills. It is an old mill located just a mile from where I encintraba, who in his days as used by locals to grind their crops. The truth is that for a couple of years since I passed through there, but he remembered that she had been restored was not too many years, with a little luck, the thugs have not yet broken.
I have one thing is clear if one day all this nightmare is over I swear to play sports. A mile away may seem ridiculous but when you have to walk through the middle of fields, thickets and even muddy areas under full load carrying can be exhausting and it took me two hours to go. The only sign of the disaster on the earth I saw during the trip was a terrible accident had happened right in the middle and bridge over the Tamuxe. Four cars crashed was the balance that could be seen. Large pools of blood and pieces of what I assumed they were human remains that adorned macabre scene. Undead did not see any during that time, I really do not know if that was good or bad as it sometimes is better to have the danger before it time to separate you from your path and that no one caught him clueless.
When I arrived at the Watermill the soul fell to my feet, after which cost me to get there I find that the windows and doors were gone, the only remnant left of them were broken and rusted hinges. It was four in the afternoon and I left about three hours of daylight. The best thing would be to continue my walk, if I can I got tried to reach some fairly unpopulated area.
continued my way but this time by a paved road that goes to the village of Rosal. At that stage there was no house beside the road. He wore a good chunk tour when I found a place to spend the night. Rosal clean point. I had not thought that this site was just a couple of years to do so. It is a small plot of about six hundred square meters, surrounded by a fence and a couple of sheds inside. Here is where you store and separate glass, cardboard and electrical appliances throughout the area, then send them to recycling centers.
Once I got where I could get myself comfortable and prepared to spend the night. Prudently in the last days of my stay in my island had prepared food to take to fishing obtained. He hoped that by not too hot I can not spoil the meal. With how tired he was not long before I sleep.
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