Monday, April 24, 2006

Pain And Pulling Behind Knee

The day dawned cloudy and strong wind was beginning to lift. As of got me noticed that the weather change could only result in a storm. Of from which you could hear the sound of waves sea to beat against the rocky coast despite being about five miles from the coast. My little shelter was behind an office, I guess it worked where some officials who administer the entrance and exit of the recycling containers. I decided it best to try to break into the office and get inside. Fortunately, to reach the door had to go through a small covered walkway, so that since the road was completely hidden. Among the iron ax and some got there I found the door forced.

A half-empty table, a couple of filing cabinets and an old computer was all he had. I packed my stuff and settled as best I could. Through the curtains I could see he was starting to rain, to dig half an hour the rain and the wind was strong and was beginning to turn into a gale. The day seemed very long, the wind and rain did not stop hammering the windows.

When I finished eating I saw that my supply was dwindling. The water was not too much trouble, if only I had a half liter bottle for that area abundant natural water sources. But the food was another story, cans him to take home only one I had two other tuna and mussels, the fish I caught on my island adventure left me a couple of servings. Just as well that this time will not last much if it would have to go out for lunch and with that time would not be anything pleasant.

was half dozing by the monotonous sound of the rain but I suddenly screams cleared instantly. At first I thought it was the Undead that I had discovered, then I realized they were human cries of a living person. A live person! I screamed to myself. I went quickly through the door and looked carefully not see me. The sound of a person came running to me, was getting closer. And there it was, was a girl of about twenty years. I was completely soaked with dirty clothes. He wore jeans, a blue shirt and a brown jacket. For stains and tears in her clothing is obvious that he had been running and falling off the mountain.

- Hey, here! - I yelled as he motioned with his arms.
- Come to the gate arrímate help you up.

As I said this girl looked at me strangely. At first he stayed as scared, I think he thought I was one of those things, but then I realized he was human. He approached the gate, and with some effort managed to jump. I took up my refuge and hid there. A few minutes later spent three Undead shaky ahead of us, fortunately continued their journey in search of prey.

- Are you okay? - I asked as he watched carefully.
- If I'm right. Thank you very much for helping me. - Answered
- My name is Alex, do you?
- Eva, my name is Eve. I'm agotadísima five days wandering from one place to another and I hardly slept.
- Well if you can lie down there and use my sleeping bag. You think this is going to rest long.

After saying that Eva slept in my bag and soon even a couple of minutes to fall asleep. I went out with care to make no noise. Undead and for some time to go away but I was worried that they went so close to us. At least he was not alone, but tomorrow we should go out for food.


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