Hello! Well
good after leaving it almost died, I came up with one other issue ..... I really liked this issue because it has a very interesting story ... but I leave most
Tanabata (七夕) means "Afternoon of the seven" is a Japanese festival derived Chinese festival of the star, Oi Xi (七夕) (or "Night of Sevens").
This marks the meeting of Orihime (Vega) and Hikoboshi (Altair). The Milky Way, a river made of stars across the sky, the two lovers separated and only allowed to meet only once a year on day 7 of month 7 luni-solar calendar. As the stars are visible only in the evening, the festival is celebrated at this time.
The festival originated from the 'Festival to pray for Skills', an alternate name to the Qi Xi held in China, was adopted by the Kyoto Imperial Palace to Heian period. He was later to expand to the rest of Japan in the Edo period, and mixed with various traditions like Obon or Bon, on 15 month 7 then, and evolved into the current Tanabata. In the Edo period, the women asked for a better sewing or manual skills, while men asked for a better script. The custom was to use dew left the taro leaves to make a special ink, with which the individual would write a rectangular slip of paper colors. Tanabata
The name is derived from Chinese characters (七夕) that were read Shichiseki (し ち せき). It is believed that a Shinto purification ceremony was for those dates, which wove a mantle Miko special called Tanabata and offered a God asking for protection for outbreaks of arró z storms, and for a good harvest in the fall. Gradually this ceremony was merged with the Qi Xi, becoming the Tanabata.
Doing a bit more history, we can say that the Tanabata, tanco as Qi Xi and Chilseok (calendar period), were inspired by Chinese folk tale 'The Princess and the Shepherd. "
Orihime (织 姫 The weaver princess), daughter of Tentei (天帝), King of Heaven / universe, I used to knit beautiful garments to the edge of the Milky Way, which he liked to Tentei point that Orihime worked hard to weave always the best, although at times it felt desolate since prevented him from their hard work to meet someone and fall in love. Worried about his daughter, Tentei arranged a meeting with Hikoboshi (彦 星 Pastor of cows), sometimes called Kengyuu, vivíay who worked across the river Amanogawa (or the Milky Way). Immediately smitten and married, but this made Orihime descudara their 'work' garments and clothing tejiendole lucirle beautiful than his father, and in turn Hikoboshi dejaríaa their cows to move freely across the sky, something that angered beyond measure to Tentei, who among separated leaving his fury at both ends of the river, unable to cross and reconnect. A shattered Orihime asked his father for mercy allowed to see her husband. Tentei, moved by the tears of his daughter, be allowed on day 7 of the 7th month if Orihime worked hard and ended their materials on time.
The first day I tried to reconnect, it was impossible to cross the river because there was no bridge. Orihime cried so much that a group of birds (magpies) they built a bridge with their wings, allowing the passage. If it rained, the birds were unable to bridge, then the fans would have to wait until next year.
There is also another version in which a farmer named Miker, find out a blanket on his farm, knowing that it pertenecíaa a goddess called Tanabata. This visited his farm asking for his cloak, but he lied about finding him and promised to help in your search. Eventually both fall in love, marry and have kids. One day he met Tanabata a cloak that made him familiar, that cloak had been looking in the cabin attic Miker. Despite his disgust at discovering such deceit, Tanabata agreed to forgive him on condition that the farmer will weave a thousand pairs of sandals of rope, but until then let him. Unable to comply with such order, Miker died without ever seeing Tanabata, but it is believed that both are in heaven, when the stars Altair and Vega intersect.
Currently in Japan is celebrated this day by writing wishes either in the form of poetry or free writing, on a rectangular piece of colored paper known as tanzaku (短 册) and hanging from a branch of bamboo, sometimes with other decorations. These branches were then put to float in a river or burned at midnight or the next day. This practice is quite similar to that of paper boats and candles that are placed afloat on rivers during Obon.
There is also a special song to date: Sasa
not sara-sara (笹 の 葉 さらさら)
Nokiba or yureru (軒端 に ゆれる) Ohoshi
kira-kira-sama (お 星 様 キラキラ)
Sunaga Kin Gin (金銀 砂 ご)
Goshiki tanzaku not,
kaita watashi ga.
kirakira Ohoshi-sama, sora kara
which can be translated as:
The bamboo leaves rustle
swaying in the eaves.
The stars shine in the golden sands and silver.
The strips of five colors and have written
. Stars shine
watching us from heaven.
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