Most Japanese are Shinto and the Shinto religion's beliefs is that all things have a spi ; spirit, including inanimate objects. It is for this reason Japan that the country can see many ways in which charms all involved, without going any further in most churches can buy a omamori is not only a blessed amulet the temple priest. The teru teru
Bozu is an amulet that is placed in the window of the houses in the days before a special event, are supposed to attract Bozu teru teru good weather and rain away. The tradition has its roots in the Edo period where farmers hung these dolls in the window to stop rain and not spoil the harvest. The
name Teru Teru teru Bozu it comes from a verb that describes the sun (bright) and Bozu which is a Buddhist monk, I have been searching for the Buddhist monk's because it is seen that there are two versions, one where it is interpreted as bald Bozu ( the doll) and another version that is a little more grim, said that a monk promised the farmers would get the sun to come out, they tired of waiting and as punishment for making them believe that lie was killed and so the doll inherited the name of the monk.
If you want to create your own teru teru Bozu all you need is: a piece of cotton, a pen, a wire and a handkerchief. Once we have everything we need algodóny we catch the ball, put the scarf around the head as cotton and tied with thread so as not to leave, just decorate it with the pen is the way you like best.
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