Monday, February 7, 2011

Avenir Basket, Directions


Number: 17/17
Title: fujoshi
World Fandom: Durarara! Claim
: Erika Karisawa, slight appearance of Walker Yumasaki
Extension: 167
Warnings: ravings fujoshis number x, D
Notes: Erika, you're the best 8D

The world was different for each passerby strolled through the streets of Ikebukuro and it Karisawa Erika, was no exception. The reality fantasíay were strongly attracted together and in a fatal loop, similar a small rodent and a snake that tries to swallow, with greed and without success.

Ikebukuro colors, for her show as a huge rainbow hue nonexistent relations and of doubtful provenance, in which a light touch or a pat on the back, they become sexual invitations of intense love passion which might result, sooner or later, in sex, either in the bathroom, in a room on the ground or in a library: the place is the least important.

outlines a disturbing smile on her lips, lovers of anime, and Walker, suspecting that must cross the mind of his friend, decides to omit comments and only gives a chill to understand what their words not want him to know.


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