Number: 13/13
Title: The crime was in Granada in Granada
... Fandom: Original
Claim: Federico García Lorca
Extension: 158
Warnings: Based on real life events
Notes: dedicated to this magnificent poet, murdered with impunity and unfairly .
If someone had tried any, had been shot dead by soldiers of a firing squad, in the street, standing against the wall and no major ceremonies. Federico had always feared death and loneliness and that body was covered with two great fears. The rebel soldiers were taken to Elya 3 men, handcuffed, into the ditch, so that, just given the order, fell into the pit. But Lorca battled to the end, insulting the soldier who would assassinate him. And the reward he received was simple: a few shots culetazo and dice trembling with anger, while the rest of conscience and his soul was pierced by bullets those full of hatred, injustice and racism.
And the last award he received was thrown a spit in the face, full of phlegm and indifferent to the poet and his body inert and lifeless.
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