Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Diagram In A Manual

plants could help reduce global warming green houses

Lasplantaspodrían help reduce global warming . In a world with twice the carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, lasplantascrecerían better and help cool the planet, but could not stop or reverse climate change, according to NASA reported last Tuesday.

One of the biggest mysteries that scientists are facing in relation to climate change is how to screen at the time, especially in regard to the response of the Earth warmer temperatures, a phenomenon known as feedback (Feedback).

been known for some time that plants that use CO2, water and sunlight to feed and grow through photosynthesis, are capable of adapting to higher levels CO2 to use nutrients more efficiently and produce larger leaves. This process is called down regulation.

More efficient use of water and nutrients has been observed in experimental studies that may lead to further growth of leaves, explained the U.S. Space Agency through a statement.

The NASA study, published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, estimated lasplantaspueden reduce the global temperature to 0.3 º C. However, this figure is well below the elevation of 2 to 4.5 degrees C º scheduled after completion of studies on global warming. The green homes


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