Tuesday, December 21, 2004

In Lue Of Gifts Bring Gift Cards Poem

alhara_tomoe @ 2004-12-21T19:48:00

's see .... I've seen qa''raised some envy''by hexane, porq q says I have not spent anything ... aki for you! your beloved Miyavi !!!!!! to see ....¬_¬ q q I remember you too.

Ho Scale Trailer Airlines

alhara_tomoe @ 2004-12-21T18:46:00

Wenas people!! Today is the last day !!!!! Yuju! finally .... snif, snif. Today we dissected a heart ... and I told you yesterday, and I have to say q q is not beef, pork is. And therefore it could be any ... xDD war has not been scalpels, and q the majority (the typical maxit) gave disgusting!! dizzy xD jajajajajajaja .... just seeing him. They say brave q and q are a miserable heart dizzy. "Fear being the following? ¬_¬.... Q I have to send a greeting to Marina q seemed Battosai Himura ... her hands were full of blood! was fingering the few brave hearts ... q I play the 8 q had xDD. I have also greet Lauri q, q soon is his birthday and this morning all excited porq give their first glasses !!!!!! snif, snif ... makes us more ... Q 14 years and seems to us ... and q even yesterday when we explained some things in life ....¬_¬ just kidding.

Laura Ains ... it will be tomorrow when I happily teach your glasses .... q xDD Well it is not so glasses or not, but we get an idea xDD.

It's kind of disgusting ..... arrggg, but q was so our hearts (well it was worse and more bloody, but ask him to Marina). Ah! Q q may know this picture has forced me to put it (I have pressed X___X). Anyway ... pondre q commentary before I change my mind. arrgggg

And in honor of my great friend Lukas aki have a katana (of q q had was the most I liked) and an image Rhapsody. Q I hope you like it ^ _ ^ ; ;

Well I say goodbye. Kisses to all! Happy Halloween! ups ... xDD sorry Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 17, 2004

Linux Make Root Folder Writable

alhara_tomoe @ 2004-12-17T20:52:00

Finally !!!!!! this damn week is over ... Q aunq X___X the q comes is not better ... at least the first two days ... exams not change. I am increasingly convinced q teachers love it when you say the typical sentence: no test that day! And seeing as we all face Qbd ....¬_¬ I q in the staff room apart to stick a binge every day (with lechazito, his glass of wine, etc etc) plan as we will have to suffer today. I have that desire keeping close tabs .... And the good q Qbd of the week from a vacation is q q comes Diego! and his sister as well (so the conocere) Yuju!. I q my visit to the rink I will suspend xDD. I do not want to spend Christmas with broken bones ... muxo porq by Marina q q say will come to rescue a good guy, I think I do not rescue qa U_U no. So q Mary prepares you down alone see if you will rescue at least ... Now I'm drawing a manga project ...¬_¬ no such q saldra. At the moment these are the pictures q'm doing:

The Hellsing ....

The Chi ....

.... Y. Asuka!

muxos I have yet more pictures ..... end X____X q q bad feeling. Well I leave for today and q if a weary look. Aiossss!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Inexpensive Camera To Do Ebaying 2009

alhara_tomoe @ 2004-12-15T19:39:00

Wenas! I'm back .... aki q I did not think so many people write me. ^_^!!! asias and also pretty things .... Q Diego know I also think the same about you I have also q muxas want to see you! and your my Lukas tranki q what you know and he said and not get bogged down. Today, we have said to some of the notes ... xDDD the music is more freak than I thought q (...¬_¬) today was his birthday and we placed a better music q q Do not listen to in your life ... imaginarsele worst was a Tarzan loincloth and drums .... q disgust X___X Diox !!!!!!!! I q he and the English have a strange mess .... q truth is in my school between teachers is always messes rare ... ¬. ¬ q bit Qbd order to get rid of them ... Yuju !!!!! q is good are the holidays. Above teachers have complained muxas q! and they ???!!! q if they have the same q us! the case is complaining ... as usual. Does anyone know anything about voodoo? muajajajajajajaja. Q Do not think I loka ... That has been my subconscious.

Sometimes you feel depressed ... q and think it is better not to think, to leave everything and disappear as the air ....

Ains .... in order. Tendre q and letting go. One thing: when escribais comments please put the name q but not who you are after xDDD. oki? Aiossss!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Mac Microsoft Flight Simulator

alhara_tomoe @ 2004-12-12T14:21:00

Wolassss!! I would first like to thank everyone for writing me. muxas thanks! : '-) In particular is hexane q q exo me to this fantastic blog! and all others also know q q muxo liked me to write me. good to stop here and give thanks porq if not full-page xDDD. within me piro na! U_U I hope to write more things and more interesting. Ah! I forgot: Javi enter your name for the next q but I do not hear who you are! xDD