Tuesday, June 13, 2006

How To Do A Bare Brazilian Wax


another day passes like any other boring u_u that makes me and life infortmatica .___. today were with the hassle of bills that xD boring! Tirao theory is giving the teacher a good time-_______-anyway, besides that we have the test tomorrow .... I guess word fairly easy ejejjeje then excel and access ... those the fear XDDDD

Speaking exams and such ... today I did a science which ... well thought I would leave blank and in the end I repsondido a few things and I think until I have it and tomorrow XDDDDDDD approved two others. _. Valencia and math juassss that few wins, especially the teacher Valencia mania has me disgusted ¬ ¬ tsk aunt always jodiendome xDDDDD
of toas ways I think I have approved the Valencian and as I say I have it suspended then q end of course .... Gad esque would kill her or something because all exams are APPROVED u_u, mates .... bah is Easy, at least one thing that will review and such xD

Today, if that if I start saving o_O I always say that and I just spent all XD I'm a basket case, but hey, now as friends have taken to go to the "pasha" as I like I'm not kidding XD go or pass them because those weekends at home and so the way it saves me a peel, exactly 15 € I think it said mme (fine sandblasted XD) nose they are my friends to that site but oh well .... siesque the end of the day ... xDDDDDDDDDD bakalizado ami have not dragged me with them because JAJA

So therefore aver will be that I am saying goodbye I do not want to write more xD

to another kills ne!


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