Friday, June 16, 2006

Why Did Dragonball End

fatigue and q asko!

This is already a asko! start to have little desire to do whatever the truth happens to me today `uu ; the evening without doing anything unless I went with 2 friends to give back a little boring but nothing. Now it should be in a black metal concert and such but esque as I said, today I have little appetite for any more than anything XD I was not, because I do not know esque groups, just only one and very little , and also because I have to save some>. \u0026lt;at this rate ... if I spend so much ... there will be no piercing, or SDR concert or anything uu so I better not XD

Every day that passes and I'm here at home and tomorrow Saturday uu Juas .... see for sure is not to my liking the plan with my friends and sure enough I end up here sooner has this happened I will have to move to other sites, nose, changing a bit. .. esque because I had flipao XD and anyway I'm with my motto of better alone than in bad company jejeje, well, as I get bored and write, and not I want to say anything else so ...

to another, kills ne!


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